Maeengan's Wolf Den

Where Maeengan is free to ramble on about his life in the middle of the Canadian praires.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Haiku at Dawn

Eyes closed
Skin turning red
Breathing harder

Thinking of You (Fingers wondering aimless along computer keyboard)

I was thinking
Of writing
A sex-drenched poem
Soaked in the juices
Of your love
From last Friday night

I was thinking
Of words
Describing flesh, tongues
And nails
Creating pleasure
Of intoxicating descriptions
Lit by candles in your living room

I was thinking
(Believe me)
I was thinking
Of your ankles on my shoulders

But, I thought of you
This morning
Brushing away your hair
Your head on my shoulder
Wanting to be held

I thought of you
Accepting you

And I thought of you
As my friend
Between passion and solitude
We can enjoy each others company

Spirit Companion

I pray to you
At the shrine
Between your legs

Our skin
Sun gold
Indian red

And curled
In the pleasure
Of our touch
Tickling our nerve endings

Your heart beat
Through my body
As I hold
Your spirit
Water in my hands

My fingers
Warm your body
Candles that light
Your skin
To reveal
My spirit companion

* my first attempt at Dharma poetry