Maeengan's Wolf Den

Where Maeengan is free to ramble on about his life in the middle of the Canadian praires.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

A Loon Call Echo and Fading Memories

At dusk
When the sky
Is a canvass
Of purple, pink, and red

I can hear
A loon call echo
In the traditional territory
Of the Anishinabe people

It fades away
Hiding in lakeshore bays
And rivers

Drum beats
Of two hearts
And my recollections

If you could
Feel my memories

What would you say?

After we met
On Sunday afternoon

Three years passing
Our relationship
Frozen in the month of December

I still remember you

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Emerald Spirits - Maeengan Linklater

As a child,
In winter’s night
Devoid of cloud
Blowing snow
With hidden moon

I could touch
The stars
Listen to whispered legends
Swaying at the tip
Of pine shadows
Against emerald
Northern lights
And streaking
Across the northern sky

Walking home
With mom
Crunching snow
With feet
Holding hands

“Don’t point at the Northern Lights!”
She would say,

“How come?”
“Those are spirits
Who’ll take your hand
And, take you away from me.”


But, those stars
Are close tonight
Waiting to be picked
Sparking temptation
To a child
Who never knew
Until tonight
About the emerald spirits
In his homeland