Maeengan's Wolf Den

Where Maeengan is free to ramble on about his life in the middle of the Canadian praires.

Friday, May 27, 2011



Maeengan Linklater

They took the Greyhound bus,

they painted

and they conquered

Just a bunch of Indians

who shared

a love

for acrylic

blending colours

on any surface

they could find

in 1967

Norval Morriseau

painted on birchbark

with paints bought

from the Hudson Bay

Jackson Beardy

painted a mural

in the North End

at the Winnipeg and Metis Friendship Centre

where they still play bingo

on a weekly basis

And I’m happy to know


we celebrate

their works

the lives

they experienced.

and for us

here today

we walk

the path

they created

for us to follow

knowing that

in the early 70’s

they took the Greyhound bus

they painted

and they conquered.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Mindful Together

When I held you

in my arms


in you lap

I could feel

your fingers

knead themselves

into my back

While my head


on your chest

You kissed me

A single peck


oh, so quickly

and before

you knew it

It was gone

In that moment

you expressed

yourself to me

* * *

I know

the emotions

that lie

between us

and within

are intense

A mixture of fire


and smoke

that sucks

the air

from our lungs

and heart

When our insecurities

get the worst

of who we are

and the fear

strikes a chord

of paralysis


our connection


our energy


our love

for each other

* * *

I’m not asking you

to jump

into the ocean

with me

I’m not asking you

to fly

into the air

and cannonball

I’m asking you

to sit

at the end

of the dock


our toes

into water


of our presence


of our feelings


of the moment