Maeengan's Wolf Den

Where Maeengan is free to ramble on about his life in the middle of the Canadian praires.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Gentle Slope - Maeengan Linklater

Last evening

when I came

into you home


with peanut sauce

spring rolls

and a bottle

of Arabella

I was bouncing

A basketball

inspired by the thought

of spending time

in your presence

the smile

you give me

when I have goodies

for you

I was happy

last evening

to slow things down

spend time

in slow motion

because it was

what I asked you

the day before

when you said ‘yes’

I was happy

to cook for you

share a bottle of wine

to be fed


of creme brulee

by you

I was happy

when you burrowed yourself

in my lap

after you said,

“But, only for two minutes”

and you spent twenty

nestled beside me

Let’s continue

keeping things light

enjoy the gentle slope

where we can dance


with glowing smiles

tender hugs

and cozy snuggles

as you slowly

unfold yourself to me

with each sprinkle of water

I share with you

As I have

This past week