Maeengan's Wolf Den

Where Maeengan is free to ramble on about his life in the middle of the Canadian praires.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dawn’s Spirit

She swims

in dharma’s river

kicking her legs

through cool water

keeping her head

above the surface

she thrashes

down the river

mindful of the rocks

of daily rapids

and the under current


to pull her under

and if you

would ask me

where she is

I would say

and point

with my lips

‘She’s over there

in the water,

leaving marvellous joy

in her wake’

Friday, April 15, 2011

Full Moon by Maeengan Linklater

When I’m with you

I experience

your full moon

enjoying nature

in all its glory

They say

the full moon

comes every 28 days

but, I don’t think

they have been

exposed to you

in the way

I have

When I look

to your moon

I see the stars

I dance

with those

that have fallen

on to your body


the constellation


transforming you

into the goddess


I ask you

point me south

guide me

to the northern star

that will take me home

to you

Allow me

to wrap my arms

around your hips

with my eyes closed

in spiritual bliss

And when

we are done



I will cherish

our adventure

that excites our bodies


our spirits


Tuesday, April 05, 2011

I Love You by Maeengan Linklater

When we talk

and say goodbye

You’ll say

‘I love you’

and take it back

I know

you love me

love me