Maeengan's Wolf Den
Where Maeengan is free to ramble on about his life in the middle of the Canadian praires.
Treat yourself gently, kindly
don't be hard on yourself.
The easy fix won't find the hurt,
or a new environment and new friends.
You deserve love
from all the right places
and all the right people.
There is no competition,
but the cultivation
of goodness
inside you
and the joy
it brings
to other people
when it comes out.
I'm going to grow old with this woman tell her 'she's beautiful' each, and every day until her skin is crumpled like the bed sheets we wake to each and every day.
(just found this one, and parking it here)
I'm Going to Love Again.
somedayI’m going to love again someday I’m going to lovewhen I’ve pulled my heartfrom the ashof our unionsmoldering from latent decayand neglect someday I’m going to love again someday I’m going to lovewhen my heart can feel humanat the touchof a handthe glance from an eyethat tells mei exist I’m going to lovewhen my spiritis plantedrootedin ceremonyand practisewhen the waters run deepwith my emotionsand my feelings flutter in the windI’m going to lovewhen I’m readyI’m going to love when I’m hereI’m going to love when it’s now and, whenwe find each otherwhoever you arewhenever you are I will be present with you I’m going to lovewhen I canI willgive it allto youI can see youI can feel youI can hear youI will love youwith my mindbodyheartI will be humanI will love youcompletelyI’m going to loveagain