Maeengan's Wolf Den

Where Maeengan is free to ramble on about his life in the middle of the Canadian praires.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

My Kid is a Genius!

Just found out today, that my boy and his best friend won first prize (in his age group) in a science fair.

From what I heard, he created a trebuchet. A trebuchet was the most powerful siege weapon in the Middle Ages, it could fling huge boulders at castle walls in times of battle. Just think of a catapult, but only bigger.

It's the second year in a row that he's won first prize! Last year, he and his best friend did an exhibit on the Titanic. He drew a blueprint of the ship, was able to explain where everything was located, and could give you the statistics of the ship.

I love spending time with my boy. We'll watch historical films, play war with his lego, and generally hang out together. He's quite logical in his thinking, has a great sense of direction, and a fondness for Thai food.

I'm proud to be his dad!

I never grew up with my father, so I want to make sure that my son has a close relationship with his dad. I want to ensure that he's able to know who he is a person, where he comes from, and is able to meet the world with confidence. To me, he is my centre, the foundation that makes me want to be a better person. Because, he'll need me to guide him later in life, and I wan to make sure that I can provide him with the answers that he'll seek.

Talk to you later.


Blogger Jeope said...

I could still kick his butt at Trivial Pursuit. Except for maybe the history questions.

2:03 PM  

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