Love Part II - Maeengan Linklater
When you said
you loved me
I believed you
Summer morning silent
gentle wind
rippling through trees
against ocean blue sky
we lie together
catching our breath
allowing out heartbeats
slow down from a gallop
to a slow graze
I love you too
I said it
and I believed it
at that moment
it was real
it was you
and only you
I held you
in my arms felt your words
sink into my hear
and I glowed
nothing feels so good
as love
nothing in this world
can take you as far
and high
as love
When you see it
you grab it
take care of it
nurture it
with gentle hands
love thy neighbor
love thy woman
love thy self
Because when I was with you
silent morning summer
you told me
and told no one else
I love you.
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