Maeengan's Wolf Den

Where Maeengan is free to ramble on about his life in the middle of the Canadian praires.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Morning Dew

The morning sun

pokes her head

over your covers

nudging me

on the shoulder

slowly waking me up

my body stretches

across your bed

as I feel your lips

plant themselves on mine

And we danced

across the morning

where the fragrance

of your morning dew

makes me high

when I’m with you

Remember our first night

you told me

we should only be friends

you pulled me closer

encouraged by red wine

strokes across your back

when we connected

below the waist

you welcomed me

to the next day

Where we danced

across the morning

where the fragrance

of your morning dew

made me high

when I was with you

And if we should

say goodbye

let our memories

flutter to the ground

I would remember

our time together

through the good times

and the bad

especially your lips

and your gentle hands

As we danced

across the morning

where the fragrance

of your morning dew

made me high

when I was with you

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Love Part II - Maeengan Linklater

When you said

you loved me


I believed you

Summer morning silent

gentle wind

rippling through trees

against ocean blue sky

we lie together


catching our breath

allowing out heartbeats

slow down from a gallop

to a slow graze

I love you too

I said it

and I believed it

at that moment

it was real

it was you

and only you

I held you

in my arms felt your words

sink into my hear

and I glowed

nothing feels so good

as love

nothing in this world

can take you as far

and high

as love

When you see it

you grab it

take care of it

nurture it

with gentle hands

love thy neighbor

love thy woman

love thy self

Because when I was with you

silent morning summer

you told me

and told no one else

I love you.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Gentle Slope - Maeengan Linklater

Last evening

when I came

into you home


with peanut sauce

spring rolls

and a bottle

of Arabella

I was bouncing

A basketball

inspired by the thought

of spending time

in your presence

the smile

you give me

when I have goodies

for you

I was happy

last evening

to slow things down

spend time

in slow motion

because it was

what I asked you

the day before

when you said ‘yes’

I was happy

to cook for you

share a bottle of wine

to be fed


of creme brulee

by you

I was happy

when you burrowed yourself

in my lap

after you said,

“But, only for two minutes”

and you spent twenty

nestled beside me

Let’s continue

keeping things light

enjoy the gentle slope

where we can dance


with glowing smiles

tender hugs

and cozy snuggles

as you slowly

unfold yourself to me

with each sprinkle of water

I share with you

As I have

This past week