Maeengan's Wolf Den

Where Maeengan is free to ramble on about his life in the middle of the Canadian praires.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

John Butler Trio Concert - November 24, 2010 (Winnipeg, MB)

last night
I saw you
swaying in your seat
feeling musical notes
tap against your back
I saw your shoulders
roll in circles
float in air
with each cycle



exposing your neck
in rhythm to each song
as the beat snaked
up and down
your skin

I saw your
eyes close
a smile tug
at the side
of your mouth
as your head
tilted from
one side
to the other
like ship
at sea

I can still hear echos
of last night's concert

I can still see you

I can still feel
the notes
sink inside me.
besides you