Maeengan's Wolf Den

Where Maeengan is free to ramble on about his life in the middle of the Canadian praires.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ogamas 2009 - Maeengan Linklater

Ogamas 2009

Why do I get hungover
when I'm surrounded
by Indigenous writers
Indigenous writers
who speak and write words
describing love, loss, passion
and the naughty position
of nocturnal activities

When I'm with Indigenous writers
my lung inflate with cigarette smoke
my liver (God bless its soul)
works overtime
down on the line
filtering whiskey, wine, and Sleeman's Honey Brown

When I'm hungover
I become and old Rolling Stones song
There's no sympathy for this devil

Where did I go wrong?
What did I do to you?
Were you trying to drink me
underneath the table
so I couldn't read tomorrow morning?

Last night
tequila shots
were locked and loaded
like shot gun shells
and blasted
with a 21 gun salute

We laughed over dirty jokes
on how Ojibwe men and women
are the greatest lovers in the world
until I got mad and stated,
'But, it's true.'

We made gossip
over who was sleeping whom
'Did you know, X and Y are fucking each other?'
'Yeah, I heard them the night before.'

And before the night was out
when the sun chased the moon
over the City of Brandon

We cried buckets of tears
lamenting the loss of our last girlfriend
or boyfriend
because we slept with their best friend
2 years ago
at the last
Ogamas Festival