Maeengan's Wolf Den

Where Maeengan is free to ramble on about his life in the middle of the Canadian praires.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Sweet Surrender - Sarah McLachlan Winnipeg Concert

You’ll find me

waving my silk white flag

made from your discarded

articles of clothing

strewn along my floor

you will find me

hiding in a fox hole

with my eyes

peeking above the surface

deep in the bunker

of my down filled comforter

and, you will find me

out of ammunition

but, full of idealism

a prisoner of passion

with my hands held

behind my head

I will tell you

‘Name, rank, and serial number’

when you march me

into the court of righteous morals

and high ethical standards

I will face the magistrate

frowning down at me

I will plead guilty

of crimes of humanity

I will plead guilty of looking for buried treasure

hidden in the earth of your womb

I will plead guilty of falling in love with you



my sweet surrender