Maeengan's Wolf Den

Where Maeengan is free to ramble on about his life in the middle of the Canadian praires.

Friday, April 22, 2005

"Custer Died For Your Sins" Floyd Red Crow Westerman (1970-79)

Just discovered an oldie, but a good one, Floyd Red Crow Westerman. He's widely known today, as the Native dude that is pushing 'Lakota Pills' on informercials on cable TV. But, back in the day, he released a couple of albums in the 70's, in which one of the songs was entitled, 'Custer Died For Your Sins'. It totally ROCKS!

I first heard of him, when I was travelling with my uncle Percy, down in the states. Think we were chatting about 'Dances with Wolves', and he mentioned that the elder in that movie used to be a folk singer. I'm like, "get out of town, are you serious?" My uncle started singing a few lines . . . 'Missionaries, missionaries, go and leave us all alone. Take your white God to your white man. We've a God of our own.' Ever since then, it's been on my mind. I've been checking out the musice and, literally, old record stores. It's been a quest.

A couple of weeks ago, I was chatting with a buddy of mine, Vince. Talking about folk singers, like Neil Young, John Prine, the usual suspects. I mentioned if he knew about Floyd. He was like, "I never knew you'd be into that stuff." Turns out that he's had the cd of what I've been looking for years, and I've known him for years. Funny how that goes.

In any case, what he sang about 30 years ago, still rings true today. I thought to myself, my parents would've listened to this stuff back in the day. Back when it was 'happening'. Songs of Indians struggling in the big city, post-colonialism in a contemporary world, going back 'home', reclaiming our indentity, and finding peace for our spirit.

Chante Waste' Wi (De Ni Shna Na) by Floyd Westerman

De Ni Shna Na
He ohi-ni hece tu

Let me wrap you in my blanket
Stand together on the hill
Feel the love between us
On this night so peaceful and still

Sit by me, my woman
The East is shining at our door
Come to me, my woman
A new life has begun

Get for me, my woman
The things that I must wear
Sit by me, my woman
Come and braid my hair.

Let me sing my love for you o' woman
Let me sing my need for you o' woman

De Ni Shna Na
He ohi-ni hece tu

Talk to you later.


Blogger Jeope said...

Dude! I've been searching for that g*dawful heartbreak song you were goin' on about on LimeWire and can't find it. Gimme a shout again - I also can't find your Walnut St number.

11:04 AM  

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