Maeengan's Wolf Den

Where Maeengan is free to ramble on about his life in the middle of the Canadian praires.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Winding Down For The Day . . .

Pretty tired at the moment. Been pretty busy at the moment.

I was in Ottawa last week for a a couple of days, mixed in with a couple of days of travelling. I love Ottawa when there's no snow on the ground. You can go down to the market and munch on fruit, have a drink on the patio and listen to the buskers sing oldies from the sixties. I was hoping to get my son a battle map of Vimy Ridge at the National War Museum, but it doesn't open till May.

A spring election is in the air. Should be fun. You never know what's going to happen.
Working on poll analysis.

It's nice to see the grass turn green. I love walking on the grass when I'm out for a walk. It's definately more natural.

Went out for an ice cream yesterday evening with friend. Mmmmm . . . ice cream. Afterwards, spent the night watching 'Troy'. Man, that's a silly movie. Bad dialogue, bad acting, but cool battle scenes.

Well, talk to you later.


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